Privacy Policy

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In accordance with D.Lgs. June 30, 2003, No. 196 – and subsequent changes –, in accordance with the GDPR 2016/679 and with the Provision of Data Protection Authority “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8 May 2014”, we hereby provide all due information concerning the purposes and methods for the processing of user’s personal and sensitive data in our possession.,

This information doesn’t concern the use of other websites reached by links contained in the pages at the above addresses. The users should carefully read the present privacy policy before submitting any data through the forms on the websites.

Types of data processed and purpose of the processing

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1) Browsing Data

The computer systems and software procedures used in this website acquire, during their normal operations, some personal data that are implicitly transmitted in the use of internet communication protocols. These pieces of information are not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but, through elaborations and associations with data held by third parties – due to their own nature –, they may allow the user’s identification. This kind of data shall include IP addresses or computers’ domain names used by who browses the present websites, the URI-mapped addresses (URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used while submitting the request to the server, the size of the file received with the server reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful, error, and so on) and other parameters related to the operating system and to the computing environment of the user. These data are solely used in order to obtain anonymous statistics related to the websites’ use and to control its proper functioning, also they are immediately deleted after they have been processed. These data could be used to establish the liability in case of hypotetical violation of the Websites: apart from that case, data won’t persist more than seven days.

2) Data voluntarily provided by the user

If the user, by connecting to the Websites, submits his/her personal data to have access to specific services or to send and email request by filling one of the forms in the Websites, these data can be acquired by the Controller. The Controller uses the data only to provide the requested service or to answer the email sent by the user.

3) Statistical Data

The Websites use Google’s analysis services to track and examine the user’s navigation, e.g. Google Analytics. Google, in turn, may use such data to adapt its web browser ads to the users preferences. It is possible to have a look at the Google’s Privacy Policy at the following link:
Also, the user may deactivate Google Analytics functionalities on his/her browser following the steps explained at the following link:

4) Data connected to contents hosted on other web platforms

The Websites make visible some contents hosted on other web platforms, such as Google Maps and You Tube videos: these services are both offered by Google Inc., and the user may read the relative Privacy Policy at the following link:
Also, on teh Websites are published the links to the Facebook and Linkedin pages of the company. It is possible to consult Facebook and Linkedin privacy policies at the following pages: e

Methods of data processing

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Users’ personal data are processed through automated and electronic methods and they are kept for a period not exceeding the purposes for which they were collected and therefore processed. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data violation, loss or improper use.

Duration of data processing

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The collected data are kept by The Controller for the necessary time to fulfill the purposes for which they are collected and to provide the requested services by the user. In particular:
– contact forms: these data will be kept by The Controller for the purpose of replying to the user requests and until these requests will be satisfied;
– Google Analytics data: these data are kept for 26 months.

Optional data transfer

Users are free to provide their personal data. Where they don’t they might not obtain what requested in terms of services or information.

Data Controller and Responsible for processing the data

The Data Controller and Responsible for processing the data, Tecno Program Srl, has its registered office and operations headquarters in Poggibonsi (Siena), Località Drove 2/G.

Where the data are processed

The personal data are processed through the Websites, by the Data Controller that has its headquarters in Località Drove 2/G, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena). The data are processed and managed only by the technical operators of the office responsible of the data processing or by personnel assigned to maintenance operations. Data are treated confidentially and they are not communicated or diffused in any part. Personal data submitted by the users to request information or services are used only to provide such information or services.

Data security

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Personal data collected by the Controller are used only to provide services and information requested by the user. The Controller guarantees that other data use, transmission or diffusion is not envisaged in any case. The personal account of the user to log in the reserved area is protected by a password to safeguard the user privacy and security. The Controller adopts all necessary measures and procedures requested by the law. Although the Controller does its best to protect the data provided by the user, the complete and total security can’t be guaranteed, therefore the Controller invites the user to adopt all necessary measures to protect his/her own data, for example by changing their password periodically using numbers and letters combinations, and by using an updated version of a safe browser.

Rights of the Data Subject

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Right to the explicit consent

The user may exercise his/her right to the explicit consent by the tools dedicated to this purpose on The Websites:
– Generic contact forms: through the first checkbox at the end of the contact form on the website, which is linked to the present Privacy Policy. Flagging this checkbox is compulsory since without the user consent it is not possible for the data to be sent to The Controller (and, therefore, it will not be possible for The Controller to satisfy the user requests).

Right to revoke the consent

The user can revoke his/her consent by:
– sending an email to
– (newsletter) removing his/her email address from the company mailing list by clicking on the appropriate link which can be found in any of the newsletter sent by The Controller

Right of access

The user can ask at any moment to access the data concerning him/her collected by The Controller, ask for a copy and ask for any information concerning the processing of these data.

Right to rectification

The user can ask at any moment to verify and rectify the data concerning him/her collected by The Controller.

Right to restriction of processing

The user can at any moment request for a restriction of processing data concerning him/her by circumscribing their use only to some kind of purposes.

Right to erasure (“Right to be forgotten”)

The user can request and obtain at any moment the erasure of his/her data.

Right to data portability

The user can request at any moment to receive his/her data in order to transfer them to another data controller or/and, where technically possible, the user can request and obtain the direct transmission of his/her data from The Controller to another controller.

Right to object

The user can at any moment object to processing of his/her personal data without invoking any particular grounds.
Any other information not included in the present Privacy Policy may be requested by writing to the Controller. Where it’s not specified, all the requests concerning the exercise of the rights listed above must be sent to The Controller at the email address: by specifying in the email subject “Personal Data Processing on Tecno Program’s Websites”. The Controller will process these requests as soon as possible and in any case within a month.